The flowers in the Fumitory family are quite distinctive. The two outer pink petals of Dicentra formosa with their spur look like the name suggests - a bleeding heart. Even cooler is a relative of this plant: Dicentra uniflora, common name Steer's head. The petals really do look like a bovine noggin complete with curved horns. Another relative, Dicentra cucullaria, is commonly called Dutchman's breeches, and they do indeed look like poofy whiteish/pink upside-down pants. I cannot confirm for you if this is indeed the fashion favored by Dutchmen.
The leaves of Bleeding Heart grow on a separate stem from the flowers and are a fern-like delicate blue-green. The entire plant is toxic in large quantity, and it contains narcotic alkaloids that have been used in treating nervous system disorders. Some species of the Fumariaceae family have been used in developing treatments for Parkinson's Disease.